Thursday 10 June 2010

September Requirement

Week 1 -

  • Ensure you bring in your sketch book to each lesson (If you have left it in the cupboard, it will be in the Year 11 box now!)
  • You must leave your A3 portfolio in school following each lesson. It CAN NOT leave the room!
Portfolio = A3 presentation work
Sketchbook = A4 / A5 sketchbook (rough ideas / development
  • Review your portfolio with one of your peers- Check you have:
Page 3 - Shop report and Design Analysis (your titles may differ slightly)
(click on links if you need to review)
  • Make some key comments in your sketchbook that reflect the work you have done so far:
Strengths, Weaknesses, what else you may need to find out to support your project
  • Using the framework provided as well as the example piece of work below you now need to compile a Research analysis page.
(Please complete this on lined paper and slide into your portfolio of work. Once checked this can be typed up)

Week 2 -

Week 3 -

Week 4 -


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