Monday 7 June 2010

Page 2 - Moodboard & Questionnaire

Page 2 - This will include the following:
  1. An A5 (approx) Mood board
  2. The response to the questionnaire you have conducted
  • x10 questions asked to at least 10 clients
  • Charts of most important responses
  • A written analysis of your findings
An example of a Moodboard
An example of Questionnaire and analysis
Producing your moodboard

A moodboard is the overall theme / feel that you are hoping to portray in your project. It should describe your thought process in graphical form. The objective of a moodboard in Textiles Design is to help you create ideas for colour, texture, pattern, shape etc for your product range. It is not a product board and should not be a series of images that show garments or final products unless it used to convey your ideas.


You moodboard should be no bigger than A5 in size.
It should be in full colour unless justified.

Producing your Questionnaire

Following the lesson, please complete your questionnaire as requested. Remember the purpose of your questionnaire and the types of questions you were asked to consider.

Log on to with your user name and password we created in class.

Go to 'My surveys'

Click on the survey you created. You should have named it something like ' Textiles Questionnaire'...

Go to ' Design'

Complete your questionnaire as shown in class.

Once completed, go to 'Collect responses'.

You will have to click on your survey title again.

Highlight with your mouse and copy the link address that is underneath the section titled 'Sending Survey Link in an Email'

You can now post this link into an email or use via facebook etc.

Send to as many relevant people as possible. They should be people that you perceive to be like your intended target market - It is important to keep your client profile in mind at all times.

We will access the data in your following lesson, which consequently, will actually be Friday as it is tutorial on you have a little more time!

Any problems, please reply to this link and I can access your messages.


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